Revitalize Your Locks with Henna Hair Mask

Published on 18 July 2024 at 22:51

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When you try it, you will be surprised by this hair mask. It is so easy to make and this hair mask actually works.

I know that everybody wants to have healthy,  thick hair, but luck will not have it.

For example, I have tried countless products to get thick hair (my hair is naturally thin). I have tried hair supplements, expensive hair serums, hair masks and shampoos that promise thick hair or hair growth. None of them made very much difference to my hair thickness, or my life. 

By pure chance, whilst having a chat with my mum, she mentioned colourless henna powder for hair mask. My mum had been using henna powder when growing up and the results had been instant thick hair. 

I have tried this hair mask (with amazing results) and now share the benefits of organic henna powder for thick hair in this article. 

This natural hair mask can be part of your  healthy haircare routine. 

On this page you will find:


First, let's learn a little about hair anatomy and vitamins needed for hair. This will help understand how to achieve thick healthy hair naturally.

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A girl with naturally beautiful thick hair

A brief history of hair 

From time immemorial beautiful healthy hair was the best accessory a person could have. People would go to great lengths to copy a style or achieve thick hair. 

The history of hair styles is just as long. Viking men and women grew their hair long; in the 17th century people cut their hair short and wore wigs (with added lice); and in the 1990s short hair on women was the height of fashion. Probably not everyone's cup of tea. 

Fun fact:

"The wife of Napoleon the Third, empress Eugene, was a blonde.  Court ladies, wishing to show their support for the empress, copied her in everything, even hair colour. This meant that the French court mainly consisted of blonde women."


Hair masks too are as old as time. Yet again I return to Ancient Egypt where they used castor oil as a hair mask. 

Hair anatomy 

For the appropriate hair care, it is important to understand hair anatomy. The hair consists of the root (situated under the scalp) and hair follicle above the skin. The follicle is the visible part of the hair. The hair bulb contains cells needed for new hair to grow. The hair bulb houses nerves and sebaceous glands. Sebaceous glands cover the hair follicle with oil making hair softer and more flexible.
The cells in the hair bulb multiply leading to new hair growth. On average, hair grows by 10 mm per month and will reach 50-60 cm in 4 years. Then hair growth stops and the hair falls out, pushed out by the new hair follicle.

Hair growth works from within so include vitamins and nutrients needed for healthy hair.

Healthy thick hair adds beauty to a person. But the main function of hair is to protect the scalp from the sun, cold and dust.

"Today, the various hair concerns and the wish to have thick, shiny hair, applies to women as well as men."

Hair growth and the frequency with which new hair appears reduces with age. Hair becomes thinner, loses its shine and elasticity. This process depends on the person - their health, genes and the level of care and attention (over styling comes to mind).

Today, the various hair concerns and the wish to have thick, shiny hair, applies to women as well as men. It is difficult to treat hair concerns, and even more difficult to regain lost hair. This is why it is important to take preventative measures. It is essential for hair health to obtain knowledge and good hair habits from childhood.

The general health of the person contributes to natural hair growth.  Your diet has an impact on hair too. Avoiding stress (if possible) and taking rest breaks during working hours. It is important to take enough vitamins and nutrients  essential for good  hair health. For example, vitamin B which you can find in meat, liver, peas, etc. For healthy hair naturally you should eat foods containing silicon (oats, buckwheat) and sulphur (eggs, milk).  

Biotin is another vitamin that prevents hair loss so you can eventually get thicker hair. This is why biotin is included in all hair supplements for women and men.

Biotin is part of the B vitamin family and is also called B7. People need biotin for many metabolic processes in the body. For example conversion of carbohydrates into energy.  

However, hair supplements that contain biotin and other vitamins for hair growth are synthetically produced. The hair supplements are not natural so does not have the same effect on your body. They rarely have biodegradable packaging and are not sustainable. 

Cetrified organic colourless henna powder for hair volume

Certified Organic Cassia Powder

Biotin is can naturally be found is many foods including milk, eggs, mushrooms and nuts. This means that biotin supplement for hair is not needed because it it present in so many foods.


So you should eat foods high in biotin, rather than buy synthetic hair supplements. 


There is no such thing as a healthy hair diet. So do not fall for anyone claiming there is. Yes I have mentioned specific hair growth vitamins and nutrients. Include these as part of your healthy diet not just for your hair, but for your overall health. When your body has all the necessary vitamins and nutrients, you will have healthy hair and skin too. 

Hair mask ingredients for hair growth and thickness

Apart from vitamins and nutrients essential for good hair there are some natural ingredients for hair growth. You can create a hair mask with these ingredients to achieve thick hair. The list below consists of some well know natural ingredients for hair growth you can try at home.

  • castor oil
  • coconut oil
  • aloe vera 

Another one of the amazing natural hair care ingredients, which easily helps hair growth and thickness is colourless henna powder.


History of henna for healthy hair care

As with donkey milk, the use of henna goes back to Ancient Egypt. Not always in a hair mask.

To date, people use natural henna powder as hair and body dye. This is certainly not a new natural beauty ingredient.

"What you may not know is that  you can use henna powder as a hair mask for thicker, healthier hair"


There are two types of henna

  1. The more well known henna. People use this reddish powder as hair and body dye

What you may not know is that  you can use henna powder as a hair mask for thicker, healthier hair. This can be achieved with:

  1. The colourless henna powder. People use colourless henna powder to achieve thicker, healthier hair. The Latin name for colourless henna is cassia obovata and it looks like a light green powder.

It is the colourless henna powder which I use as a hair mask. 


Otherwise you will end up with black hair, whether you wanted it or not.  


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Benefits of henna as a hair mask ingredient

  • Henna stimulates hair growth because it is rich in antioxidants and vitamin E necessary for hair growth
  • Henna coats the hair so it looks and feels thicker instantly (tried and tested)
  • Repairs and strengthens hair  preventing  breakage
  • Reduces hair fall by coating hair
  • Suitable for all hair types


"You will be amazed by the instant thick hair that you will have! This henna powder  hair mask really makes your hair look thicker. Henna powder is also a natural hair treatment, vegan friendly and chemical free."

Acala Parsley, Kale, Rosemary & Shine Shampoo Bar

How to make a natural hair mask with colourless henna powder

This henna hair mask is easy and simple to use. Just follow this method:

  1. Mix one tablespoon of organic henna powder with boiled water (hot, but not boiling)
  2. The mixture should look like a smooth green paste. The paste smells gorgeous - like  herbal tea. Voila! you have got yourself a hair mask. Made easily at home.
  3. Wash hair as usual with your organic shampoo and conditioner. Towel dry.
  4. Apply the henna mixture onto hair. Make sure you apply henna mixture to your scalp as well as the hair strands.
  5. Cover your hair with an old towel or a shower cap
  6. Leave for 30-40 minutes
  7. Rinse well with warm water only. Let hair dry naturally.

You will be amazed by the instant thick hair that you will have! This henna powder really makes your hair look thicker. Henna powder is also a natural hair treatment, vegan friendly and chemical free.


You can easily add this to your simple haircare routine. 


What’s not to like.

Henna powder hair mask for dry hair

You can make a hair mask for dry hair using henna powder.  Add 5 tablespoons of castor oil and 1 egg yolk to a tablespoon of henna powder. For hair growth and thickness you should apply this hair mask onto dry hair, before you wash it. Leave in for 30-40 minutes and wash as normal.

How to make a hair mask from castor oil and coconut oil

Using castor and coconut oil for hair is really easy. You can include these natural hair masks in your sustainable beauty routine. 

Mix a tablespoon of coconut oil and castor oil. Coconut oil tends to be quite solid so put the mixture in a microwave for 5-10 seconds. Simply massage castor oil or coconut oil mixture on your scalp and hair. To get the most benefits from this natural hair mask leave it on for an hour or so. You do not need to wrap your hair in anything.

Then wash your hair with your vegan sulphite free shampoo. Make sure you rinse and repeat the shampoo step. This ensures that your hair will not look greasy. 

You can mix castor oil and coconut oil together or use them separately. Castor oil is quite thick and sticky and coconut oil glides onto hair more easily. Both coconut oil and castor oil are great natural ingredients for hair growth and thickness. 

You can do this hair mask once a week. 

Follow this with a wonderful natural conditioner you can make at home with natural ingredients. Keep reading to find out.

A woman washing hair after hair mask

Hair mask vs conditioner

I do not view conditioners competing with hair masks. You should be doing both. By this I mean apply organic conditioner after you shampoo your hair. I always apply organic conditioner to the mids and ends of my hair. Not the top. This is because I already have my natural hair oils at the top of my head. My mids and ends (the oldest parts of my hair) do not get as much conditioning. Also, applying organic conditioner all over your hair can make it look greasy. Especially if you don't rinse properly. 

I apply organic conditioner every day after shampooing. I apply a hair mask weekly. I apply it everywhere including the top of my head and my scalp. A hair mask is deep conditioning and restores hair after any styling.  


When you should apply hair mask depends on what kind of hair mask you are doing. For example, the simple henna powder hair mask can be applied after shampooing your hair. For dry hair, the hair mask includes castor oil and egg yolk. This means that you should apply this hair mask on dry hair before shampooing, for obvious reasons. 

Unless you want egg on your head for the rest of the day. 

Natural hair conditioner at home

You can easily make a natural hair conditioner using ingredients found in your home.

To get softer hair after shampooing you can rinse your hair with this simple vinegar mix:

  1. Add one tablespoon of vinegar to 1 litre of warm water
  2. Rinse after using your vegan sulphate free shampoo
  3. Enjoy smooth soft hair

The vinegar mix is a natural and low-cost alternative to shop-bought conditioner. The benefit for hair is that this is all natural conditioner. The vinegar mix for hair is also eco friendly and cruelty free.

You can easily add this natural conditioner to your clean hair care routine. You can have the mixture ready in a jug in the shower, ready for after your shampoo. 

Hair brushing for healthy hair

Brushing your hair with a soft hair brush is essential for healthy hair. The hair brush works to massage your scalp and removes dirt. Brushing hair is important because it helps moisturise hair naturally. The natural oils that your scalp produces are distributed all over your hair when you brush it. So take time to brush your hair. A great way to massage your scalp is to flip your hair upside down and brush from back to front. This hair bushing technique is especially helpful if you have thin or dry hair.


When tried, I have found this henna powder hair mask the most effective to get the look and feel of thicker hair. The results were instant proving that natural hair masks are the best. You can make this hair mask once a week.  The weekend is the perfect time for this hair mask. 


Try our henna hair mask and enjoy thicker, healthier hair! Natural beauty does not have to be difficult. 


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Why trust The Clear Sky?

 I am an educator and l am passionate about providing people with information about the beauty industry so they can be empowered to make an informed choice when spending their money.

With over a decade of personal experience in using natural ingredients for skin, hair and body I also provide many beauty tips which are simple, innovative and sustainable.

Vegan and cruelty-free shampoo, conditioner  and hair mask recommendations

Acala Parsley, Kale, Rosemary & Shine Shampoo Bar

Why this shampoo is great

  • sulphate free shampoo
  • cruelty free
  • vegan shampoo bar
  • organic coconut oil
  • recycled and biodegradable packaging
  • handmade in England

Hedgerow and Moor Shampoo Cubes For Normal Hair

Why this shampoo is great

  • plastic free an sulphate free shampoo
  • biodegradable packaging
  • sustainable, vegan and cruelty-free
  • can use as body wash
  • minimal waste

Acala Camellia, Kokum and Lemon Conditioning Shampoo Bar

Why this shampoo is great

  • plastic free
  • sulphate free
  • vegan and cruelty free shampoo bar
  • handmade in the UK
  • recycled and biodegradable packaging

Hedgerow & Moor Conditioner Cubes For Normal To Dry Hair

Why this conditioner is great

  • sustainable
  • natural ingredients
  • plastic free and biodegradable packaging
  • cruelty-free and vegan
  • can be used as body wash

Certified Organic Cassia Powder

  • colourless organic henna powder
  • used as a hair mask

Odylique Lavender Detangling Conditioner

Why this conditioner is great

  • silicone and sulphate free conditioner
  • cruelty-free, vegan
  • award-winning conditioner
  • can be used as natural hair mask
  • organic conditioner

Only downside is plastic packaging. Not biodegradable

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